Family Explorers: A Blueprint for the Better

Your support is vital

A small one-off or regular donation helps us present free exhibitions, events and education programmes across the city, up and down the UK, and around the world.

This family resource gets you out and about in the city, exploring positive actions for change.

We have the power to engage with the present to inform the future. Our Silver City, 2094, explored the past present and future of Nottingham exploring sustainability and the environment.

This world is amazing and beautiful, but we know we can make it better. We all can take small and big positive actions to help. What changes could you make?

Remember, one person making a small change can help build big changes. Being kind and working together can achieve great things for the future of our city and the world. Use your voice, work with friends, family and the local community and we can all improve the world!

A 'blue print for the better' resource sheet considering what changes could be made to make a better future. Some of these include 'sustainability, 'weather', 'predictions', 'gallery conversations', 'environments', 'sounds of the city', 'call to action' and 'food'.

A Blueprint for the Better, is an A3 full-colour resource that is folded into smaller sections, to make it a little easier when you are out and about.

You can also download the resource by clicking here for page one and click here for page two or we can pop one in the post for you. Please email your address, and how many you would like, to Lisa at

We had lots of chats with many lovely, helpful people about our resource, and our friends at Stonebridge City Farm have shared with us their resources to help you learn more about the environment: Click here for facts about Bees, and Click here for Facts about Soil.

A huge thank you to all our friends:

Sarah at Shop Zero

Ryan at Stonebridge City Farm

Joseph at Windmill Community Gardens

The little helpers at Nottingham Nursery and Training School

Anna the Wormologist at The Urban Worm

and Anthony at BIKES LOVE YOU

This resource was created by our Associate Artist, Sian Watson-Taylor

Associate artist, Sian Watson-Taylor, from the inside of a kaleidoscope.

Your support is vital

A small one-off or regular donation helps us present free exhibitions, events and education programmes across the city, up and down the UK, and around the world.

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